Forneskja (Norse Culture)
This course covers everything you need to know about Norse lore, traditions, customs, culture and history. Completion of this course is also required in order to become a member of Forn Siðr.
This is Forn Siðr
FREE PREVIEWIntroduction
The Norse Warrior: Subscribers-only Web Site
HÚV | HELLULANDSÚTVARPIÐ: Helluland Public Broadcasting Service
Forn Siðr: About Norse Stuff
Úlfheimr: Trilogy
Úlfheimr: The Tenth World
Úlfheimr: The Dark Age
Úlfheimr: The Nordic Kingdom
We are Norðmenn. We are Men.
Kynsdœmi: Gender Biology
Kyn: Gender Differences
Menn: Patriarchy
Kyn: Gender (In)Equality
Male Privilege
Male Influence
1200 years (of toxic masculinity)
Important Notice
Reference Purposes Only
Old Norse is NOT Icelandic
Skáldskapr: The Art of Poetry
Kveða: International Phonetic Alphabet
Norrœnt mál (Old Norse language): Grammar
Norrœnt mál (Old Norse language): Pronunciation
Bifröst: Music Video
Bifröst: Lyrics
Rök Runes
Rök Runestone
Rök Runestone: Translation
Limitations of old Norse texts
Hávamál: Sayings of the High One
Reginsmál: More Words of Wisdom
Konungsbók Eddukvæða: The Poetic Edda
Konungsbók Eddukvæða: The Poetic Edda (Alternate translation)
Konungsbók Eddukvæða: The Poetic Edda (Old Norse - English)
Snorra Edda: The Prose Edda
Snorra Edda: The Prose Edda (Old Norse)
Coded Information
The Sagas are not always reliable...
Íslendingasögur (Sagas of Icelanders): Complete Series
Sǫngr: Sigmundskvæði eldra
Fara: Icelandic Saga Map
Done with Íslendingasögur?
Nóregr: History of Norway
Ágrip af Nóregskonungasögum: History of the Kings of Norway
Guta lag: Norse Laws
Vardøhus festning
Grottasǫngr: The Song of Grotti
Hrafnagaldr Óðins (Old Norse - English)
The Folk-Stories of Iceland
Risalah: About Volga Vikings
The Realm of the Feminine and the Privileged
Magics are no man's business
Rune Symbolism and Meaning
Galdrastafir: Staves
Introduction: Æsir, Ásynjur, Vanir, Jötnar, Aðrir, Kindir, Kynja, ok Níu Heimar
Æsir: Males associated with war
Ásynjur: Females associated with Æsir
Vanir: Males and females generally associated with peace
Jötnar: Giants
Aðrir: Others
Kindir: Creatures
Níu Heimar: Nine Homeworlds
Úlfheimr: The Tenth World (Norse Lore)
Rímtal: Old Norse Calendar
Helgar: Norse Festivals
Sǫngr: Bukkehorn
Sǫngr: Hrafnagaldr Óðins
Sǫngr: Oldest Known Norse Song
Sǫngr: Håkon den gode
Sǫngr: Ved Stanford Brua
Kvæði: Þat Mælti Mín Móðir
Orðskviðir: Viking Proverbs
Mjoðr: Drink like a Vikingr!
Fullrettirsorð: Swear like a Vikingr!
Art: Vangsteinen (Vang Stone)
Movie: The Saga of Gisli (Iceland)
Lofotr Viking Museum
Úlfrinn: The Sacred Wolf in Norse Culture
Cry of the Wild
Úlfamáligr: Wolf Communication
Death of a Legend
Jól: The origin of Yule/Christmas
Jóla Trè: The Origin of the Yule Tree
Julebukk: The Yule Goat
Jólasveinar: The 13 Yule Lads
Glögg: Celebrate Jól like a Víkingr
Víkinga Lǫg: The Viking Code
Vikings: First European Settlers in Canada
Viking Map
Glíma: Viking hand to hand combat
Glíma: Lausatök (Summer)
Hólmganga: Traditional Norse Duel
Átt: Race
Rígr: Social Structure
Eiðr: Norse Oath
Jafnaðr: Norse Justice
Blanda: Sexuality
Eigna: The Old Norse Naming System
Nǫfn: Old Norse Names
Dauði: Deaths and Rituals
Yfir: Afterlife
Hervápn: Traditional Viking Weapons
Gjermundbu helmet
Viking Warriors: Berserkir
Viking Warriors: Úlfhéðnar
Skegg: The Norse Beard
The Myth of Shield Maidens
Tune Viking Ship Journey
Öseberg Ship
Gokstad Ship
Blood of the Vikings: Part 1 - First Blood
Blood of the Vikings: Part 2 - Invasion
Blood of the Vikings: Part 3 - The Sea Road
Blood of the Vikings: Part 4 - Rulers
Blood of the Vikings: Part 5 - Last of the Vikings
Rurik: Russia under Viking Rule
Journey to New Zealand
Helluland: Land of Vikings
The Northman: Norðmaðrinn
Nóregr Fylki: Counties
Norwegian Commercials: Baron Paint
Norwegian Commercials: Love is in The Air
Norwegian Commercials: Women In the Kitchen
Norwegian Commercials: Women Drooling Over Men
Trollfjorden: The Viking Route
Smyril Line: Danmörk to Færeyjar
Smyril Line: Færeyjar to Ísland
Færeyjar: Vágar Final Approach and Landing
Smyril Line: Arrival in Ísland
Færeyjar: Skansin
Ísland: Dettifoss
Færeyjar: Risin ok Kellingin to Múlafossur
Ísland: Final Approach into Reykjavík
København: Copenhagen
DFDS: Oslo to København
Svalbarð: Take Off (Winter)
Svalbarð: Landing (Winter)
Tromsø: Take Off
Kirkenes: Take Off
Finnmark: Traffic Jam
Svalbarð: Approach (Early Fall)
Constitution Day: 17 mai
Railways: Flåmsbana
Norwegian country: Røros
Norwegian Coastal Express: Winter
Norwegian Coastal Express: Summer
About the Assessment
Forneskja Assessment
Forn Siðr (Official) Facts
Forn Siðr (Official) Membership
The Norse Warrior (Rekkrinn): Official Communication Channel
Draupnir: Ring
About Bodily Autonomy
About Beards
First Beard Accommodation in the U.S. Army
Applying for Religious Beard Accommodation: U.S. Armed Forces
Applying for Religious Beard Accommodation: Canadian Forces
Requesting a memo/endorsement for Religious Accommodation
Ber er hver að baki nema sér bróður eigi. Bare is the back of a brotherless man.
Áleiðis: Progression Path
Hirðmaðr Training
Follow Your Innate Warrior Path
ÚLFASIÐR: Restricted Membership