Course curriculum

  1. 1
    • Til Valhall! Norwegian Forces Battle Call!

    • Introduction

    • Verða à leið: Follow your path

    • The Norse Warrior: Online Community

    • HÚV | HELLULANDSÚTVARPIÐ: Helluland Public Broadcasting Service

    • Úlfhéðnar: Designated Point of Contact Assignment

    • Contact: Secure (Encrypted) and Unsecure

    • Borgir: ULF Bases

    • Úlfheimr: The Tenth World

    • Úlfheimr: The Dark Age

    • Úlfheimr: The Nordic Kingdom

    • Ber er hver að baki nema sér bróður eigi. Bare is the back of a brotherless man.

    • Bróðemi: Getting to Know You (Photo)

    • Bróðemi: Getting to Know You (Personal Intro)

  2. 2
    • Women are Unsuitable for Combat

    • The Myth of Shield Maidens

    • USMC Study: Males Perform Better than Women

    • Comparing Athletic Performance between Males and Females

    • Comparing Brain Structure between Males and Females

    • Comparing Muscle Mass between Males and Females

    • Gender Biology

    • Mixed Combat Teams are Weaker than All Male Teams

    • Women Integration: The Consequences

    • British Military Recruiting Campaign: The Snowflakes

    • Försvarsmakten (Swedish Armed Forces) Recruiting ads

    • OId Military Recruitment Ad: USMC

    • OId Military Recruitment Ad: FSK

    • Swedish Military Recruitment Ad: Promoting Exclusion of Males

    • Swedish Military Newspaper Ad: "A flag worth defending"

    • U.S. Army Recruitment Ad: Promoting Woke Weakness

    • British Military Recruiting Ad: Promoting Emotions

    • British Military Recruiting Ad: Promoting Islamization

    • Russian Military Recruiting Ad: Promoting Strength

    • Chinese Military Recruitment Ad: Promoting Power

    • Chinese Military Recruitment Ad: Promoting Superiority

    • Norwegian Military (MJK) Recruitment Ad: Back to Basics?

    • Norwegian Military Recruitment Ad: A Come Back?

  3. 3
    • The Spartans: What Makes a Man

    • ΣΠΑΡΤΙΆΤΑΙ: The Spartans

    • ΛΈΓΩ: Spartan Sayings

    • ΛΈΓΩ: Spartan Sayings (Visuals)

    • ΚΑΣΗΝ ΤᾺ: Spartan Mates

    • ΣΤΡΑΤΙΆ: The Spartan Army

    • ΣΠΆΡΤΑ: Photo Overview

    • ΣΠΆΡΤΑ: Sparta

    • ΛΕΩΝΊΔΑΣ Α´: Leonidas

    • ΤΑΫ́ΓΕΤΟΣ: Taygetus

    • ΜΕΝΕΛΆΕΙΟΝ: Menelaion

    • ΑΚΡΩΤΉΡΙΟΝ ΤΑΊΝΑΡΟΝ: Temple of Poseidon at Tainaron

    • ΔΕΛΦΟΊ: Delphi

    • ΘΕΡΜΟΠΎΛΑΙ: Thermopilae

    • ΣΤΡᾸΤΌΣ: Spartan Music

    • Gates of Fire

    • The Spartans - Video Part 1

    • The Spartans - Video Part 2

    • The Spartans - Video Part 3

    • The Spartan Training System

  4. 4
    • Viking Warriors: Úlfhéðnar

    • Jómsvíkingarnir: The Jomsvikings

    • Jómsvíkingasaga: Saga of the Jomsvikings (English)

    • Jómsvíkingasaga: Saga of the Jomsvikings (Old Norse - English)

    • Jómsvíkingalǫg: The Laws of the Jomsvikings

    • Jómsvíkingalǫg: The Laws of the Jomsvikings (Visuals)

    • Jómsvíkingamæli: Jómsvíkingar Sayings

    • Jómsvíkingar: Armed Combat & Security

  5. 5
    • Cohesion

    • Congo: Small Unit Cohesion

    • Small Unit Cohesion in Battle (U.S. Army)

    • The Warriors Code (U.S. Naval Academy)

    • Unit Cohesion and Military Performance (University of Berkeley)

    • Factors Influencing Small-Unit Cohesion (Norwegian Navy)

    • The Science of Military Cohesion (Military Sociological Society of Finland)

    • Unit Social Cohesion (Israeli Army)

    • United We Stand - Divided We Fall (Finnish Army)

    • Discretion (Naval Postgraduate School)

  6. 6
    • Fitness is Essential

    • FSK (Norwegian Special Forces): Fitness Standards

    • FSK (Norwegian Special Forces): Training

    • NATO: The Future of War

  7. 7
    • Mannaforráð: Overview of Structure (Skjǫldrinn)

    • Nafnbót: Ranks

    • Helgi: Security Clearances

    • Sverðin: The Swords Brotherhood

    • Eiðr: Norse Oath

    • Norrœnt Name Assignment

    • Rekkr: Warrior Factor

    • Úlfhéðnar Hirðir

    • Úlfheimr Trilogy

  8. 8
    • Warrior versus Soldier/Fighter/Canon Fodder

    • Viking Warriors: Úlfhéðnar

    • Norrœn Striðsmaðrinn: The Norse Warrior

    • How to Remain Warriors

    • How to Be a Warrior

  9. 9
    • Before You Start

    • Preliminary Internal Evaluation

    • NATO 75 years Ad

    • NATO: Assessment

    • Fólkvíg: Conflict Analysis

    • Forneskja: Assessment

    • Lífa: Assessment

    • Hermaðrinn: Assessment

  10. 10
    • Final Project Selection

    • Project Approval

    • Project Submission

  11. 11
    • Becoming a Hirðmaðr

    • Launungeiðr (Oath of Secrecy)

    • Hirðmaðr Registration

  12. 12
    • Sverðin: Overview

    • Sverðin: Restricted Signal Group

    • Áleiðis: Progression Path

  13. 13
    • The Next Level in Badassery

    • Hersir Training Program and Promotion

    • Hersir Promotion Pipeline

  14. 14
    • Follow Your Innate Warrior Path

    • ÚLFASIÐR: Restricted Membership