Course curriculum

  1. 1
    • Introduction

    • Brœðrahǫllin: The Hall of Brothers

  2. 2
    • Hervápn: Traditional Viking Weapons

    • Ý-Bogi: Archery Basics

    • Øx: Ancient Axes

    • Øx: Modern Axes

    • Sax: Knives

    • Sax: Nordic Knives

  3. 3
    • Psychology of Survival

    • Fyrstr: First Things First

    • Al-væpni: Fully Equipped 1.0

    • Al-væpni: Fully Equipped 3.0

    • Al-væpni: Fully Equipped 4.0

    • Al-væpni: Urban Equipped 1.0

    • Al-væpni: Urban Equipped 2.0

    • Klæði: Outdoor Clothing

    • Lækning: Viking First Aid Summary

    • Hafvilla: Avoiding Getting Lost

    • Leiðarstjarna: Polaris (North Star) or Finding the True North

    • Flakgengr: Navigation

    • Sólarsteinn: Viking Sun Stone

  4. 4
    • Hof: Shelters (Icelandic)

    • Hof: Shelters (Natural)

    • Hof: Shelters (Longhouse)

    • Hof: Shelters (Lean-to)

    • Hof: Shelters (Tundra)

    • Hof: Tundra Emergency Shelter (Step by Step)

    • Hof: Shelters (Roundhouse)

    • Hof: Roundhouse Shelter (Step by Step)

    • Hof: Building a Roundhouse Shelter

    • Building an Igloo

    • Building a Log Cabin

    • Alone in the Wilderness

  5. 5
    • Norwegian Magics

    • Eldr: Starting a Fire

    • Eldr: Starting a Fire (Step by Step)

    • How to use a Fire Steel

    • Eldr: Ice Fire

    • How to Start a Fire with a Chunk of Ice

    • Viðir: Wood Ignition Point

  6. 6
    • Lǫgr: Drinkable Water

    • Making Water Safe

    • Water: Treatment/Filtering Options

    • Water: Tablet Treatment Guidelines

    • Desalting

    • Collection through Transpiration

  7. 7
    • Note about Trees and Plants

    • Viðir: Trees (Overview)

    • Viðir: Trees (Info Sheets)

    • Ber: Berries (Info Sheets)

    • Gras: Plants (Info Sheets)

  8. 8
    • Veiðimaðr: Getting Food

    • Hunting/Trapping/Fishing (U.S. Army)

    • Handling Game/Fish

    • Meat Smoking

    • Skinn - Field Dressing a Grouse

    • Skinn: Skinning a Snowshoe Hare

    • Skinn: Skinning a Snowshoe Hare (Step by Step)

    • Skinn: Skinning a River Otter

    • Skinn - Skinning a River Otter

    • Field Dressing Big Game

    • No, trophy hunting is not good...

  9. 9
    • Bjǫrn: Viking Beast Management

    • Nervous Bear

    • Bear Marking

    • Bears Playing

    • Bear Helping Cub

    • Bears Bluffing

    • Bear Charging

    • Bjarnahlífð: Bear Protection

  10. 10
    • Hœttr: Wilderness Hazards

    • Getting Caught in an Avalanche

    • A Small Flash Flood

    • Falling into a Crevasse

    • Glacier Calving

    • Tidal Movements

    • Killed by a Bear

    • Poisonous Plants